Laundry in Oregon State University residence halls is free for residents; no coins or cards are required.
Each resident room has a bin for trash and a bin for recycling. When the room bins are full, residents need to empty them in the building's trash and recycling areas.
All suites in the ILLC have bathrooms containing a shower, toilet, and sink; these are shared only with other residents of the suite. Residents with suite-style bathrooms are responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms. See below for additional restrooms available throughout the building; UHDS staff clean these community restrooms daily.
International Living-Learning: The International Living-Learning community is a community for International and American students who are passionate about cultural exchange and global experiences. International Living-Learning offers students of all majors the opportunity for international-domestic and international-international roommate pairs, globally themed hall programs and much more. All floors of the ILLC will be a part of the International Living-Learning community.
Second Year and Above students: The fifth floor of ILLC is set aside for second-year and above students, which includes students who have already completed at least one year of college, or are graduate students or transfer students.
Professional Staff: Each hall has a professional staff member, who lives on campus, supervises student staff members, and is available to meet with students one-on-one for guidance and support.
Student Staff: A team of student staff members lives in ILLC Hall to assist residents.
Contact the ILLC Hall Resident Director via email or at 541-737-3681
Call the ILLC Hall Duty Phone at 541-974-6404