UHDS has several meeting spaces in many of our facilities to meet your department or group's needs. These spaces may only be reserved by OSU students, faculty, staff or conference groups that are contracted through UHDS or OSU Conference Services.

Make a Reservation

To make a reservation at any of the below locations please send an e-mail or call the contact individual for that space. All of the spaces below have wireless internet access available. Please submit the information below when making a reservation:

  1. Name of the space being requested
  2. Date of the event or meeting
  3. Event Start Time (when people will be arriving)
  4. Event End Time (when people will leave)
  5. Number of people at this event.
  6. Event Name
  7. Event Type (Ex: Meeting, Social Event, Conference)
  8. Student Organization/Department Name
    Please note: Advisors cannot request space for Student Organizations.
  9. Contact for the event: Name, address, phone and email
  10. Payment Type: OSU Index, Purchase Request, Cash/Check
  11. Setup Type (Ex: Classroom, Theater, U-Shape)
  12. Will Catering be ordered?
  13. Will food be purchased at the dining restaurants?
  14. Will Audio-Visual equipment be used?

Marketplace West Dining Center

Contact: Arwen Douglas – [email protected] or 541-737-2100

Space Max Capacity White Board A/V Screen OSU
Northwest Conference Room 12-30 depending on room configuration No No No $75

Memorial Union - Off the Quad Restaurant* 

Contact: Arwen Douglas – [email protected] or 541-737-2100

Space Max Capacity White Board A/V Screen OSU
Private dining room 10 No No No $0

* Food must be purchased with reservation of room at Off the Quad.

McNary Dining Center

Contact: David Wilber – [email protected] or 541-737-1004

Space Max Capacity White Board A/V Screen OSU
Timberline Room 24 Yes No No $75
Meadowlark Room 16 Yes No No $75


Contact: Gina Ramirez – [email protected] or 541-737-2693.

Space Max Capacity White Board A/V Screen OSU
Trysting Tree Conference Room 22 No Yes Yes $100
5th Floor Tower Conference Room 16 Yes No Yes $50