If you are leaving campus for break, please complete all steps in our break checklist before you go.

Housing during breaks in the academic year

All OSU residence halls will remain open during breaks. Break housing is included in UHDS room and board rates.

Students must sign up for break housing so that our Residential Education and Public Safety staff are aware of who will be in the building and we will be able to best serve students over the break with the appropriate custodial levels in the bathrooms.

All residents can leave their belongings in their rooms during break periods as long as their UHDS contract is current.


WINTER Break 2024

Please sign up for break housing via the Housing Portal by December 12, 2024, at 5 p.m. The break housing form is open now.

  • If you will be in your building any time between 5 p.m. Friday, December 13, 2024, and 9 a.m. Sunday, January 5, 2025, you will need to sign up for break housing.
  • If your plans for winter break change after December 12, 2024, please email UHDS with your updated plans.
Dining during breaks

Dining locations remain open on campus during break periods, though some locations may close and schedules may vary from hours during the academic term. Check Food@OSU to see dining hours.


There is no extra dining plan option for break periods. Students who are staying on campus over breaks may use their regular term dining plan, if funds are still available, or they may add money and use their Orange Cash account. The next term’s dining plan dollars will not be available for use until the end of the break. Winter term dining plan dollars will be available January 5.

Moving out over breaks

If you plan to move out of on-campus housing during a break period, you will be charged a daily rate for each day you occupy your room during break. Please visit the Moving Out of UHDS Facilities page to learn more about our cancellation and move-out processes.