Scholar Housing Eligibility

Scholar housing is available to visiting scholars, researchers, and interns year-round through our Residential Conferences office. All scholars must have an academic program or university-related purpose for their stay and be connected with a sponsoring academic department in order to be eligible for scholar housing.

Summer Term

During summer term, OSU students that are interning or working on campus are eligible to stay in scholar housing and may also be eligible for summer session housing based upon their courses. 

Academic Year

During the academic year, OSU students enrolled in courses should apply for on-campus student housing through their Housing Portal account. Please direct questions of eligibility to the Scholar Housing office at [email protected] or (541) 737-2693.

Scholar Housing Options

We offer a variety of guest suites and residence hall rooms at Oregon State University for our guests. Please see our academic year and summer scholar housing options below. Fill out a reservation and our office will contact you to confirm eligibility and room availability.


Academic Year Scholar Housing


Summer Scholar Housing